Swords' Masters (Swords Against Wizardry; the Swords of Lankhmar; Swords And Ice Magic) - Swords Against Wizardry; the Swords of Lankhmar; Swords And Ice Magic - Fritz Leiber
SFBC Fantasy (2004)
In Collection


Read It:
Fantasy, Science Fiction
Magic - Fiction, Swordmanship, Swords

*The Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series was written over a period of at least four decades as thirty-six short stories and one novel (The Swords of Lankhmar). The stories form a coherent whole: the adventures of two of the greatest swordsmen and greatest rogues any world has ever known. The first three books were collected as The Three Swords (1989) and the second three as Swords Masters (1990).

Cover Artist Morrissey, Dean

Product Details
Format Hardcover
Extras Dust Jacket
Series Swords' Masters
Volume #'s 4-6
Cover Price $18.95
Original Title Sword's Masters Omnibus
Original Publisher Ace Books Inc.
Original Country USA
Original Language English
Original Publication Year 1990
Personal Details
Store SciFi Book Club
Location Mary Kelley's Personal Library
Condition 007 Fair but much loved!
Owner Mary Kelley
Links Amazon US

*David C. Kopaska-Merkel. "Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser." Magill’s Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. Salem Press, 1996. eNotes.com. 2006. 6 Jan, 2008 fafhrd-gray-mouser>