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The Forbidden Circle (the Spell Sword the Forbidden Tower) - Marion Zimmer Bradley
Daw Books Inc. (2002)
In Collection

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Fantasy, Science Fiction

Product Details
Format Hardcover
Series Darkover Nobels in Omnibus Editions
Cover Price $6.00
Nr of Pages 570
Personal Details
Store SciFi Book Club
Location Mary Kelley's Personal Library
Purchase Price $12.99
Condition Mint
Owner Mary Kelley
Links Amazon US
Barnes & Noble

SFBC Review:
During the First Age of Darkover, when the families of the Comyn ruled the Seven Domains and the planet of the Red Sun was rediscovered by the Terran Empire, a man from distant Earth and three Comyn would change Darkovan society forever.


Cottman IV, the inhospitable planet called Darkover, had not been spaceman Andrew Carr's final destination until he saw his future in a crystal ball. The girl who appeared was frightened and in pain, and rescuing her became his obsession. But when his mapping plane crashed in the stormy mountains, it was the girl who saved him.

Imprisoned by a malevolent race of cat-men, telepath Callista Lanart-Alton had sought to reach her kinsmen with her Keeper-trained powers. But neither her twin sister, Ellemir, nor her cousin, Damon, could find her until she led Andrew to them. Linked together through the energy-nets of the matrix, they defeated the cat-warriors to rescue Callista from the dark, and through their connection, she and Andrew came to know and love each other. Believing herself able to overcome years of mental and physical bondage to the Tower, Callista asked to be released from her oath so she and Andrew could wed. But marriage would prove more hazardous to them both than even the matrix-amplified powers of the cat-men.

Had he been born a woman, Lord Damon Ridenow could have been a Keeper, but as a man his laran had brought him nothing but failure and misery. During the cat-men's war, he had forged a bond with Ellemir, who believed her own gift of laran was inferior to her powerful sister's. But when Callista attempted to break the taboos of her conditioning and went into shock, Damon and Ellemir were forced to awaken their laran gifts to save her. In doing so, Damon traveled back in time and discovered secrets that led him to defy everything he'd been taught to accept—and to change the very nature of matrix technology. Includes The Spell Sword and The Forbidden Tower. Jacket art by Romas. (Approx. 592 pp.) 1974-1977.